viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019

Ganadores certamen de relatos en inglés

Ya tenemos también a los ganadores del certamen de relatos en inglés. Entre los textos presentados en 3º y 4º ha resultado ganador el relato Happiness, de Nuria Pérez Rosales, de 3ºC; y el texto ganador de 1º y 2º es The strange movie, de Ainhoa Mª González Moreno, de 2º B. ¡Enhorabuena por los magníficos textos presentados! Esperamos que disfrutéis de la lectura:


            How many of you get up every morning to go to study or work in something you
DON’T like? Meanwhile, you repeat to yourselves: “Is this what I want? Better times will come.” But years go by and never come.

Since childhood we have in mind that dream life: finishing studies with good grades, get a good job in which you earn enough money. Having a house, a couple, a dog, a cat, a family…
And now? What are you doing now? You have to wait 40, 50 or 60 years for retirement, those years in which you will have a few weeks of vacation waiting for those things you never did in the past, but now you are old and lazy.

NOW is the time to decide where to go and what to do: continue studying or working to have the future you want.
Surely you have a lot of ideas in your head but you don’t put them into practice because you are afraid of what people will say. You make excuses saying things like “I don’t have time nor money to develop them”.
Actually, you are only afraid, afraid to fail, to risk. Time is running and you see how the doors are closing. If you have a dream, do it now, don’t wait for the time to pass, don’t wait for a future you don’t even know if it exists.

All you have to be is happy and free until the day you close your eyes for the last time and then you realise you have lived your life as you really liked. Look inside yourself, stop making excuses, you can’t wait for a miracle to happen because nobody, nobody will knock at your door.

So, always believe in yourself and make your dreams come true!

Nuria Pérez Rosales, 3ºC


Amy and Jessica are best friends. Every Saturday they meet in a house to watch a film. They love fantasy films.
Amy’s parents had gong on a trip, so they decided to meet at Amy’s house to do a pyjama party, eat pizza and watch a fantasy film.
It was seven o’clock and it was a rainy and thunder night. Jessica was already at Amy’s house. They knew which movie they wanted to see. They had been longing to see it for weeks. It was about two friends who had to find four gems to save their country.

They were watching the film when the lights went out and a strange noise was heard. A fleeting light came out from the TV and began to absorb the two friends.
They were holding their hands and suddenly realized they were in the movie. They imagined that they would have to pass the four tests to save that wonderful country.
The first test was to solve a riddle. They easily overcame it because Jessica loved riddles.
The second one was about solving some puzzles. They easily overcame them too.
The third test wasn’t as easy as they thought. They had to cross a bridge but if they made three mistakes, they would fall into the water and couldn’t move on. They overcame it with difficulty and they could continue.
The fourth and the last one was the most difficult one. They had to go into a maze full of traps and mysterious animals.
They started well but little by little they became disoriented. The traps began to appear and the difficulties were getting bigger. However, with their friendship and courage the could overcome it.

When they crossed the exit door, they saw a powerful light and they returned to Amy’s living room.

Was it a dream or reality? 

Ainhoa Mª González Moreno
2º ESO B

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De nuevo estamos por aquí, con energías renovadas, y comenzamos convocando ya el certamen de relatos del primer trimestre. Os dejamos las ba...